Hughes, Anthony Joseph2019-06-102019-06-102019-05 Education at the secondary level has some barriers preventing all students an opportunity to participate in music during their high school career. This mixed method research study evaluates the secondary public high school music education programs in the Los Angeles and Orange counties of Southern California. This research focused on four music education inclusion and equity questions which included: 1) Does each school site have different degrees of inclusion in music education within the student population?; 2) What is the current participation and availability of music courses in other high schools, with a functioning music program, in Los Angeles and Orange County?; 3) Do all students have access to music education on the high school campus regardless of any disability?; 4) How can the music educator adapt their educational methods to ensure success for all students? This study examined the music programs at 24 high schools; representing a student population of over 31,000 students. The findings of this study indicate that there is a gap in the inclusion of all student populations including students with special needs. Educator modifications in daily lessons to ensure all student populations understand the content area are not always completed. Changes to traditional funding streams have changed how money is allocated for music classes; where funding now is mostly provided by students. Professional development at school sites, in music education, is non-existent and a plan to develop a meaningful professional development is needed.enTHE INCLUSION OF ALL STUDENTS IN A MUSIC CURRICULUM FOR CALIFORNIA PUBLIC COMPREHENSIVE HIGH SCHOOLS